
Easter Baskets & Baby's First Easter Basket

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Making new traditions with my family is my favorite thing! This would be our third year making Easter baskets and we couldn't make an exception this year specially because is Camilla's first Easter.

I used to think that the only baskets available where the premade ones at the grocery stores with the little plastic toys that they might brake in less than a day. Then Pinterest came to my life and I saw lots of ideas! Now of course I don't go all crazy with big baskets as I like to keep it simple and not spend much money (I try).

My one place to always go is Target...oh if I could be there every day!...going back to reality you can get so many great things for you r basket and for a very good price. As a starter the basket was only $3. If you know Target at the entrance they have the Target One Spot that many times is better than the dollar store in quality and variety. It goes by the season so you can get as much or as little as you wish with little things like bubbles, chalks, cups, crayons, toys, stickers, socks and all of them have the Easter theme and colors.
For my two older kids I got them chalks $1, light-up puffer balls $1, grow figures $1, bandages $1 (yes they like that), bunny ears $1 and this fun Candylicious Bubbles $2 because they are bubbles you can eat. I have no idea how that works so I'm excited to see it in action. The one thing that I always give them are books because you also want to give them things that will last. Add a special note from you so they can cherish it for many  years to come. Last but not least chocolate!! yes inside the eggs I will add some Kisses or Kit Kats that are their favorites.

For my baby I wasn't sure if I should make her a basket since she is so little, but it doesn't feel right not to buy things for all three of my kids, also is never too early to start making the traditions. I got her a rubber duck for her bath tub, a new chewing toy, apple puffs, also bunny ears and lastly a book for her as well. She will give a good use to all those things.
Make your baskets as unique as you want and you don't have to spend much money. You can also add snacks from home, maybe things you were planning to buy anyways like materials for school, small clothes or again visit the Target One Spot. Make it fun and enjoy watching their little faces bright up.

Happy Easter everybody!

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