
Summer Camp at Home - Art Camp

Monday, June 18, 2018

During the summer break you have to get creative if you don't want your kids to tell you all the time "I'm bored!" or seeing them on their electronics for longer periods. 

We came up with with the idea of summer camps at home because let's be honest camps are expensive specially if you have two or more kids. Every week we have a theme and this way you find activities, arts, crafts, movies or places that are related to the theme of the week. My kids love to have a calendar with the ideas because they can know what to expect for the week.

Our visit to Magnolia Table

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

I remember back in the day we used to watch House Hunters with my husband but then Fixer Upper came by and it changed the whole idea of HGTV because it was a family show and now everyone wants shiplap and farm sinks on their houses. It was not too long that my daughter also join us, so as soon as we saw them building Magnolia Market at the Silos and then the Magnolia Table we knew we had to stop by, but unfortunately they don't open on Sundays so it took us a while to get there.

Welcome to Summer - Surprise Bags

Sunday, June 3, 2018

This year I wanted to surprise my kids on their last day of school with their own summer bags. All year they worked really hard at school, on their homework, activities and they were completely ready for a summer break.

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