Camilla is 9 Months Old
Thursday, April 19, 2018 • 9 Months Old, Baby Routine
Saturday, April 7, 2018 • Lemonade Stand
Spring is here and that means spring cleaning! is the time for garage sales here on our neighborhood and we get the stuff out that we don't use or don't need anymore. My daughter Isabella knew it would be the perfect time to make a lemonade stand, so my son Alessandro decided to join in as well by selling cookies something that he loves. The money from the sales goes to their piggy banks because they are saving money for college since they were little.
Sunday, April 1, 2018 • Easter, Traditions
Back in Guatemala Easter is completely different is mostly about processions, alfombras de aserrin (sawdust carpets), devotion as the majority are Catholic. It is beautiful and the smell is great. If you get a chance please google to see the beauty or even better visit Guatemala! So being in this country sometimes you have to adjust to new traditions such as the Easter egg hunt and the Easter baskets.