
Camilla is 9 Months Old

Thursday, April 19, 2018

I can't believe how fast she is growing, she is now 9 months old! I think I have to start planning her birthday if I want to get things done. This past month we had two big milestones and today she went for her 9 month checkup.

Camilla started getting a little bit of separation anxiety and wants to be held most of the time or at least being able to see you not more than 3 ft apart, but I believe it started because two teeth were coming out and she needed that safety feeling. So now my baby has two bottom teeth! She still likes to be held but I am not able to do that all the time so I give her lots of hugs, lots of toys and keep her comfortable. My life savers are my two older kids because I tell them just to sit next to her while I do things around the house as all she wants is to have some company.

The other big milestone started yesterday, she can now sit all by herself, from laying on her tummy to pushing back to sitting down. I think she will be crawling in a couple of weeks,  I am in no rush as that means baby on the move and baby proof the whole house!

On another note I guess her first word was Dada -_- even tough I tell her Mama every single day. She decided Dada was best and of course she is daddy's little girl. She hears him on the phone or see's him after a long day of work and she gets very excited.

Lucky Camilla didn't need any shots so this time it was a smooth and quick checkup. Her weight was 20 lbs 10 oz and length 28 1/2. The doctor did mention she should be standing up with some support or she would need physical therapy within a month and in my mind I'm like lady don't freak me out! I think she is fine as every baby is different and she will do that when she is ready.

She was in a three nap schedule but her last naps were at around 6 pm and making bed time at around 10 pm, that is when I knew I had to switch her for two naps. I wasn't sure how to do it or if she was ready but one day she took a very long second nap and woke up at 4 pm and I didn't want to put her for her third nap at 7 pm, so I stretched her to sleep until 8 pm for that day and my poor baby was so tired but I was so afraid for her waking up at 4 am!
Now she is in a two nap schedule, with longer naps and those are the time where I try to work on my designs. I am trying to make a schedule for me as well so I can workout as I need to loose the baby weight and do some extra work on the computer while she plays with her toys.

Camilla's 9 month schedule:
7:00 am - Wakes up, bottle.
7:45 am - Plays with sister and brother before they go to school.
8:30 am - Breakfast.
9-10 am - Play time with mami, then free play time while I clean the house and workout.
10:00 am - Bath time, I make it close to her first nap because the bath makes her sleepy.
10:30-12:00 pm - First nap.
12:00 pm - Second bottle.
12:45 pm - Lunch.
1:00-3:00 pm - Errands, play time with mami then free play time while I try to work.
3:00 pm - Third bottle.
3:30-5:30 pm - Second nap.
6:00 pm - Joins mami to prepare dinner.
6:30 pm - Dinner with all my kids.
7-8 pm - Playtime with brother and sister.
8:30 pm - Bedtime routine for everybody, last bottle.
9:00 pm - Bedtime and see you in the morning :)

Can't wait to see more milestones and share some great times with all my kids!

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